
Writers Bizness: Voice Power "The Breather Test"

“Being able to communicate with people is power.” –Oprah Winfrey

Promoting your book on TV, radio or in person? Use rhythm, timing, volume and pitch to have a powerful affect on what you say.

The Breather Test

You need: body-length mirror
Tape Recorder

1. Stand in front of the mirror and take a deep breath.
2. What did you see? (You can exhale now and do it again) What happened to your mouth? Shoulders? Chest?

3. Did you breathe through your nose or your mouth?
4. Did your chest expand? Did your shoulders rise? Did your stomach expand?
5. Did you drew in the air? Pulled it in? Or sucked it in?

If you breathed to your chest and filled up around your shoulders, know that it is better to expand you’re a little below your midsection instead. (An inch or two below your navel) That’s where a drop in the diaphragm muscle is.

Passive Breathing Exercise #1

Diaphragm breathing gives a richer, fuller voice and it’s easier on the throat

1. Hold your fist below your navel.
2. (to exhale) At the spot where your fist is, isolate and flex the muscles and squeeze out a puff of air.
3. (to inhale) relax the same muscles while loosening your jaw and open your throat (like yawning)
4. Visualize air falling into your diaphragm, like water going down a drain
5. Practice this sitting or lying

Tip: Relax your jaw, open wide, let the back of your tongue drop down
Only inhale just enough air

DO! Two Minute Stress Buster Voice Power: Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade, and Command Attention