
Shalla Takes Pictures for SHALLA Magazine

Shalla Takes Pictures for SHALLA Magazine...

Which one will make the cover?

What do you think???

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Join Us! Q&A with Publisher, David Smitherman

****Permission to forward is granted and requested:********

Online Seminar: May 3, 2007

11 am PST to 12pm PST

"Get Your Book Published"
with David Smitherman, publisher for Palari Publishing

Dave is the publisher of Palari Publishing, a traditional, royalty-based publishing company that has produced fiction and nonfiction titles since 1998. Dave started as an editor for other publishers and soon formed Palari Books to produce interesting titles by deserving authors, especially first-time writers.

Registration is FREE at

The ShallaDeGuzman Writers Group



Shalla DeGuzman

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CALL-4-SUBMISSIONS: The Houston Literary Review

The Houston Literary Review promotes the best poetry, prose, short stories, and visual art from Texas and beyond. Contributors featured in each issue are artists from around the world. We are especially interested in promoting creative visual artists and photographers.

Whether you are a veteran craftsman or learning to use your voice or artistic sight, The Houston Literary Review wants to hear from you.
We welcome unsolicited submissions.

Electronic submissions are preferred, but postal mail submissions are acceptable (but only on a CD disk).
Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but notice must be given immediately upon receipt of notification that a manuscript has been accepted elsewhere.
Submit original, unpublished poems. A poem is published if accepted by a publisher in any medium, including online publication, or if it is posted to an online forum that is accessible to the public.
Submit no more than three poems for inclusion in an issue unless submitting for a special section. Visual artists and photographers are asked to submit a segment of work that best illustrates their talent and point of view. Visual art should contain a written descriptive framework that enables viewers an opportunity to better understand the creator's perspective.

Sending Submissions
We prefer email. Please send your written work as attachments to:
Please send visual artwork to:

If submitting written work through the US mail:
Submissions should be in Microsoft Word format. The font should be no smaler than 12 point.
Provide your contact information on the first page of your submission: name, address, telephone number and email address. CDs will not be returned.
Send submissions to:
The Houston Literary Review3000 Woodland Park Drive, Suite 2708, Houston,Texas 77082


Simply Scripts: If you like to study Scripts

If you're learning the Dialect in Alabama (samples)

Dialect Sample Files


How to Write Realistic Dialogue in Fiction: How to Make Your Characters Sound Real Enough... but Not too Real!

Things to Do in Alabama


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