
Delivery Techniques: Voice for TV and Radio Interviews

Doing Television and Radio Interviews?

Tips! On Your Delivery Techniques

Make Words Stand Out--Use Consonants!

1. Lengthen consonants – to make word stand out

2. Lengthen consonants at beginning of word

3. Lengthen consonants at syllable want emphasized

4. Gloss over filler words: of, the, a, and, that, would, if, etc.

Ie. “You’re grrrrreat!” (when you lengthen a consonant, shorten the word right before it)

Any interruption to the natural rhythm gets highlighted.

Emphasizing consonants at the end of the word is like putting an exclamation point!

Ie. Let’s se-lllllll.

For more go to page 50-51 of Voice Power "Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade and Command Attention"by Renee Grant-Williams

So, throw away filler words and resonate money words.

What are $$$ Words? 1-3 key words in each phrase.

Ie. “Please, help me and make sure I get all my roses planted today, otherwise it might rain and overly dampen the soil then I’ll have to dig up new holes.”

“Please, help” --would probably suffice.


Ie. “Wwww-e are winners.”

“We are wwww-inners.”

“We are winner-ssss.”

Every time you bring up the same point, emphasize different syllables. (I’m checking this, because it seems sound bites are said the same way over and over)

5 Ways to Start a Word

Voiced Consonants: TONE + PITCH + LENGTH

Unvoiced Consonants: LENGTH
S F T H SH CH TH(think)

Stopped Consonants:
D B P G(good) C(cook)

Words Starting with Vowels: BREAK + GLOTTAL STOP

Sometimes Y and W act like separate syllables

Study more: Pages 55-58 of Voice Power "Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade and Command Attention"by Renee Grant-Williams

Building Blocks of Voice: Support and Resonance

Writers, we're working on our publicity plan and learning to use our voice for TV interviews, radio interviews, etc.

Building Blocks of Voice: Support and Resonance

Support – muscles that help produce speaking sound

Resonance – way sound vibrates in body


1. Place fist below your navel

2. Drop back your hips

3. Keep your chest loose

4. Squeeze old air out, relax jaw, open throat, inhale

5. Press fist and contract ab muscles as you make ZZZ sound (feel the buzz from abs instead of throat/mouth) The rest of the body must stay relaxed

6. To stop the ZZZ, relax abdominal musles

7. Repeat and after some practice, try other sounds: EEE; NNN; AHAHAH; NMNMNM; MMMMMM;OHOHOH;VVVVVV

This is page 34 of: Voice Power "Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade and Command Attention"
by Renee Grant-Williams

*If you start to lose the buzz, go back to the ZZZZ to recover it
*Only inhale to your resting capacity.


Instead of tipping your chin when you speak, arch your whole head slightly forward
Use your front teeth to vibrate your sound. How?

Relax your tongue

Press the sides of your tongue behind your teeth

Buzz ZZZ where your tongue meets your teeth

Loosen your jaw and upper body


Practice short words: No, yes, right, now, run and zest

Practice group words: run, ran, rain; that, these, those; have, heart, start

Practice sentences: “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.”

TIP! Visualize yourself doing these exercises perfectly.

Pick someone you like to sound like.

Visualize how you like to sound: smart, warm, beautiful, humorous, talented, accessible, friendly, powerful, witty, funny, charming, etc.

Here are our Voice Goals:
sound rich and full
mellow and soothing
warm and sincere
clear and precise

And here's the book we're reading:

Writers Bizness: Voice Power "The Breather Test"

“Being able to communicate with people is power.” –Oprah Winfrey

Promoting your book on TV, radio or in person? Use rhythm, timing, volume and pitch to have a powerful affect on what you say.

The Breather Test

You need: body-length mirror
Tape Recorder

1. Stand in front of the mirror and take a deep breath.
2. What did you see? (You can exhale now and do it again) What happened to your mouth? Shoulders? Chest?

3. Did you breathe through your nose or your mouth?
4. Did your chest expand? Did your shoulders rise? Did your stomach expand?
5. Did you drew in the air? Pulled it in? Or sucked it in?

If you breathed to your chest and filled up around your shoulders, know that it is better to expand you’re a little below your midsection instead. (An inch or two below your navel) That’s where a drop in the diaphragm muscle is.

Passive Breathing Exercise #1

Diaphragm breathing gives a richer, fuller voice and it’s easier on the throat

1. Hold your fist below your navel.
2. (to exhale) At the spot where your fist is, isolate and flex the muscles and squeeze out a puff of air.
3. (to inhale) relax the same muscles while loosening your jaw and open your throat (like yawning)
4. Visualize air falling into your diaphragm, like water going down a drain
5. Practice this sitting or lying

Tip: Relax your jaw, open wide, let the back of your tongue drop down
Only inhale just enough air

DO! Two Minute Stress Buster Voice Power: Using Your Voice to Captivate, Persuade, and Command Attention

Writers Bizness: Voice Power

Do writers really need to learn how to use their voice?

Yes! Of course! That is, if you want to sell what you write.

SHALLA CHATS with Gargoyle Magazine's Editor, Richard Peabody

*read Writing and Publishing Literary Fiction

*read more

Shalla is now on SAVOY Magazine's
February 2007 Issue

Find Shalla on SAVOY's Noir Notebook

(Literati Section)

Literati: Special contributor Shalla de Guzman. Of the Shalla de Guzman Writer’s Group. Shalla’s community connects new writers with editors, literary agents and each other.

*read more

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More Depth to Your Literary Novel

Writing a literary novel?
...........................................Depth helps.

The internet is a wonderful place to gather info, facts and statistics that can be interweaved with your fiction.

So google those key words. Personally, I get a lot from yahoo search.

Tip: Put quotes around phrases, names, etc

Ie. if you're looking for male models, use "male models"

Research I found for my multi-culti:
JUSI Pilipino Harvest Goddess. Before Christianity the supreme being was Bathala. Then came lesser gods, under them diwata(spirits/fae) and ancestors.