
SUBMISSION: O. Henry Prize Stories

Throughout the year, magazine editors submit their issues to The O. Henry Prize Stories series editor, Laura Furman. The stories must be published in Canada or the United States, and originally written in English. Novel excerpts and works in translation are not considered.

From the multitude of stories submitted, the editor chooses twenty winners that stand out above the rest and up to fifteen additional pieces highlighted in the collection as the list of recommended stories. Each juror then reads the twenty winning stories in manuscript form, without knowledge of author names or publications. Without consulting one another, they each select their favorite and write a short essay about what led them to their choice.

More about . . .
Submitting stories
Series editor Laura Furman
The 2006 prize jury

Is there a deadline for submitting stories?

There is a new deadline for The O. Henry Prize Stories. Stories must reach the series editor by May 1. If a finished magazine is unavailable before the deadline, magazine editors may submit scheduled stories in proof or in manuscript. Stories may not be submitted or nominated by agents or writers.

Where does a magazine editor submit issues to The O. Henry Prize Stories?

The address for submission is:

Professor Laura Furman, O. Henry Prize Stories
English Department
University of Texas at Austin
One University Station, B5000
Austin, Texas 78712

Should magazine editors select the stories they think best or should they send an entire issue?

The series editor wishes to read magazines in their entirety, not as individual selections. Please send complete issues at the time of publication.