Online Classes for Writers

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April 3-30, 2009
"In & Out: Writing Believable Conflict"
by Sherry Lewis
This workshop focuses on the art and craft of creating realistic, believable conflict for your character, both internal and external, and on weaving those conflict together in ways that are fresh, exciting, and powerful enough to catch an editor's eye. Topics include:
* Understanding how a character's core beliefs crate conflict
* How internal and external conflicts work together
* When to hang on to / let go of a character's past
* Keeping conflicts realistic
* Creating layers of conflict
* Why urgency matters in conflict
* Applying conflict to each scene you write
* Avoiding anticipated conflict
Sherry Lewis is a career writer with more than 30 published mystery, contemporary romance, and time travel romance novels to her credit. She loves sharing what she has learned since selling her first book fifteen years ago, and has given workshops all over the country. Sherry has also taught online workshops for several years.
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April 3-30, 2009
"Writing For Magazines"
by Julie Rowe
Interested in writing for magazines? Learn the process of creating an article, from coming up with an idea to how to sell that idea to a magazine and write your finished piece. This class will tear apart real examples of successful queries and their subsequent published articles see what worked, and what didn't work, and why. Topics include:
* Why fiction writers should also write for magazines
* Choosing the right magazine and editor to query
* Topics, research, angles, titles and hooks
* The knock-out magazine query letter
* How to get quotes & statistics and fact check
* Writing the article; sidebars and photography
* Word count, deadlines, contracts and invoicing
* Creating a portfolio and finding your niche
Julie Rowe has been freelancing for magazines for over five years. She's an enthusiastic instructor who enjoys lively discussion and encourages questions. Her articles have appeared in numerous magazines such as Today's Parent magazine, Reader's Digest (Canada), The Canadian Writer's Journal, Writer's Digest, Canadian Living, What's Up Kids Magazine, the Romance Writer's Report and various RWA chapter newsletters.
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April 6-17, 2009
MASTER CLASS: "Do-It-Yourself Media Kits"
by Theresa Meyers
Prerequisite: Published book or upcoming release date
Working on your own promotion, but not sure what you should or shouldn’t include when you send material out to the media? Look no further. Public Relations guru Theresa Meyers takes you through the ins and outs of media kits, both print and electronic, and demystifies what you need to have on hand. In this course you’ll get:
* The elements every media kit needs
* How to create them yourself
* Templates for making instant bios, press releases, and more!
* What to include and omit based on the media contact
* Fresh ideas for packaging your media kit
* Knowledge of why print and electronic media kits are different
* How to make each kind
Best known for getting her clients chosen as two out of the total seven picks for the Kelly Ripa Book Club, Theresa Meyers spent over ten years working in public relations, garnering millions of dollars in media coverage for her clients, before she launched Blue Moon Communications. A former journalist and magazine columnist, she now focuses on strategic planning for her clients, media training and author branded media campaigns. Find her online at
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